Hey everyone! (*^ワ^*)
I know, you probably think I fell off the earth the way I
just bailed without warning! The truth is that life got SO crazy! It's been a
very stressful winter for me and it totally ate into all of my creative endeavors.
The most I've been doing with my time is my angel card business and even that
has stopped me from getting super creative like I use too.
Since then however, things have been getting better. I'm
starting to solely focus on myself instead of business and going back to all my
old activities including sweets deco! I never forgot about my favorite past
time, things just gotten complicated as all!
I also want to thank all the people that subs my blog and
likes my fanpage. I'm so forever in your debt, especially how I stopped
updating both. Hopefully now, you'll see a lot more of me, even if it's roughly
pictures only!
So to end it off, here is some old and new projects I'm
currently working on. Enjoy! *blows kisses* ♡ ~(^з^)-☆