
Saturday, September 22, 2012

New Design

Hey everyone!

Wow long time no see!

A lot has happened and I mean A LOT and sadly I didn't do too much crafting during that time at all. I thought I was but between the hot weather and my downturn in mood, nothing happened. But alas I'm still alive and kicking!

I'm honestly not sure what to talk about since it's been so long since I did anything crafty or the like. Oh wait, haha the most blatant change and reason I came to post was the blog design!

Even though I really liked it when I first made it a month or so ago, I really want to change it. I still like it but I have this other side of me that wants a different design. I'll probably won't do anything now. Once I'm certain about the way I want this place to look, I'll change it then. The reason why I wanted to change it because I ended up HATING the last design and with bloggers new design interface, I wanted a template I could easily edit. It's fun messing with the HTML but after making my spiritual blog with the new interface I knew that I wanted to change this one so it can be just as easy to edit.

So yeah, I don't have much to say, I need to get back into my crafts again and start enjoying myself in that endeavor. I had lots of plans for it but nothing came about, I'm better off just creating even if nothing major comes from it. At least I'm happy. Hopefully you all are doing well too! See ya! 

Images by Freepik