
Monday, March 4, 2013

Pencil and Paper, Together at Last

Hey everyone! 

After so much happened last week I finally felt inside that it was time to settle in a career/life's work that I would be happy with. The feelings I had was really scary honestly, I never felt the intuitive need to finally move on with life, to stop trying to find something and just choose what it is I really wanted to do and make it happen. I also felt like it was time to leave the nest, something I wanted to do for many years but till now I felt it as deeply as I did. Because of these new rise of feelings I decided to start cleaning up my room (and other areas in the house I work in) and life to have a fresh start. I concluded that art was my life and the only thing I would want to do (not that there was a debate but still) and found comfort that I can expand and try different things in that endeavor.

I know for a long time I've been exploring different crafts, ideas and beliefs that I thought suited me at the time. Some did, most didn't and it all brought me back to my love of drawing. At this point searching for that perfect thing is pointless because I already know what it is. Art and drawing!

pencil sketch fox girl

So this picture came into play after I finally sat down and drew at my favorite spot in the world, my drawing desk. I'm so incredibly rusty at drawing off the computer (and drawing in general) but I'm happy to see this, it's quite cute. I intend to keep drawing at my desk and get in touch with my art once again like I did before!

Till next time guys! 

Images by Freepik