
Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Christmas and New Year plans...

Hey all and welcome to my blog once again! Unfortunately I have no sweets deco to show you. I haven't even completed my ear phone deco since I've been busy with X-mas and friends. And now I have my room to clean out to fit my new brand new computer that I got a few weeks ago. I actually got the parts on X-mas eve installed them, (on my own for the first time ever) and started working on putting all the programs I needed on my new computer. I got pictures of everything I got in fact... 

My new computer! I only got the tower up and running right now
So pretty!
My new web cam, it works great and I even tested for live stream!
The new monitor that came with my computer I'll install it once I have it in my room!
Some really cute hello kitty slippers that my sister got me. I love them they really keep my feet warm!

Since I started working on my new computer (I call her gate, yes I name my stuff) everything has been a breeze to do! Its so fast and quiet I've been doing so much that I wasn't able to do before. I'm so in love with my baby! I have so much art I want to work on and so many programs I want to learn.

As far as my new year plans I have a ton! The first one is getting my new blog design completed. I've been working on it and its coming along and with my html knowledge I've been able over come some obstacles and even add a few things! My second and most significant plan is the start of my business and start selling my stuff. I've started my business plan for the new year and I'm excited for the journey ahead! I have so much in store for this coming year I hope you guys will still be following and new comers will be drawn here as well!

Thanks for reading, I'll see you all soon!


Images by Freepik