
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Taurus girl Sketch & updates

Feeling rather emotional last night and not drawing in what I feel was a long time, I decided to sketch down one of the ideas that have been in my head for a few days now. Not much to say, I didn't realize how unattractive centaurs can look, they looked a lot cuter in my mind. So I decided to make the meeting of the different body parts look more cute by adding fluff.

This was pretty much inspired by my zodiac sign, go Taurus!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Official Valentine's Day Picture WIP 2

Hey everyone! 

I'm back again with an in progress picture of my latest sketch for Valentine's day! I'm going for a different style for this picture, for the line art I'm making the lines thin. I normally go for a more cartoony, graphic look but I want to go for a more traditional anime look, something I've been wanting to try for a while now. When I do color it, I want it to be more soft and air brushed. I fell in love with the marker tool in SAI so I'll be using that for my main coloring tool. 

I'm really loving how this is coming out, I can't wait to finish it more! I'm planning to have it finished for Valentine's day!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Official Valentine's Day Picture WIP

Hey everyone!

I'm back again with yet another WIP to share. This time it's another Valentine's day picture. I just love the holiday so much, I really do love love! Getting to the picture, I wanted to do a warm up before continuing the V-day secret Santa I entered in. I wanted to do a quick chibi picture but it turned out not being chibi at all. Not that I mind.

Valentine's wip sketch

What I did had in mind was the character being a chocolate themed maid. I wanted to be really cute with ruffles and such. I also tried something different like drawing a pose of a person hugging something. I'm really proud of it and my increasing skill of drawing hands. I still have a long way to go but I see so much improvement. Looking at live subjects and taking metal notes for drawing purposes helps a lot!

That is pretty much it, I hope I can finish it by Valentine's day. If not, it'll just be late haha!

Take care all!

Yours Truly

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Life Updates and Small Doodle

I'm back again, wow, I'm actually making timely updates here aren't I? That can only mean a good thing, especially since my sleep has been the worst ever this week. I've been thinking about making a small comic about it. But somehow, the blank canvas of SAI eludes me, it's like I can't imagine where to start, so I just draw a random circle in the middle and start from there. I really need to get back to my pencils and traditional mediums as well, I miss them dearly.

The doodle it just that, a doodle... Of my fursona once again, you'll be seeing a lot of that/me just so you know. I want to get back into making characters again, I have a lot of ideas I want to get down. However, it's just pleasing to be drawing again.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Star Chaser WIP

Hey everyone!

So much happened since I last posted, I really have to do a life update on my blogs, but I've been lazy and busy. I guess to keep it short, I know now what I want to do with my life and that is to draw draw draw till the cows come home.
Images by Freepik